Friday, April 3, 2020

Sweet Candy


A Poem By ChidiJ 

                                                   Sweet candy. Poison fruit.
Sweet candy, who made you?

Your deception flows through her veins.
Your reach changes her inner core.
You make her lie, hide, steal.
She loves you but do you love her?
You change her life,
A beautiful spring flower for now,
She is ravaged by your toxin.

This cannot be true, she thinks I lie.
But all know your hook:
You make her love you
But your love she can never feel.

She is never satisfied, 
Always longing for more of you.
No, you will never satisfy
Not even when she succumbs 
To your seductive embrace in death.
Then, even then you should claim your victory.
                                                But no, you must move on to your next victim
                                                      Nay, your next best friend.

                                                       Sweet candy. Poison fruit.
                                                     Sweet candy, who made you?


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  1. OMG....... this your poem reaches the soul. Please, keep writing for your word will change someone. Thank you for this beautiful poem. Keep it up and may God bless your soul.


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